Philosophical Musings

In this section of the site I will post my daily meditations, channels, thoughts etc with the time I will dedicate towards a brighter future. One where we are all free to do as we wish, when we wish, in exchange for a peaceful collective community. 


I share my ideas in an effort to contribute to the mindset change needed for a peaceful planet. It may sound utopian, but that doesn't mean it can't be the goal. 


If you're here, thank you. If anything resonates with you, please let me know via the survey found in the contact us page and the About Me page. 


Hope you have a great rest of your day!



This symbol I created via copilot AI. For me it represents the trinity for a society to be peaceful and everlasting (Mind, Body, Soul). Any level of belief is valid, as long as you're passionate about it and it resonates with you in the present is all I care about.

Channeled Thought : 16 JUN 24

I want PEACE, not power

Over the last few weeks I started introducing two mantras for myself. "I will lead with love" and "I want peace, not power" have been profoundly helpful to continue my campaign towards creating peace. I'm always concerned because I understand how difficult it is to trust. For that reason I'm making it abuntantly clear what my intentions are, and my actions can be judged to prove it. I want the same life that I will help create for everyone. The below message came as a speech I managed to channel while listening to youtube. 


Thank you for your time, and I hope you had an amazing day. If not, I hope to help reduce less than amazing days :)


We are the cog of every machine. We can simply keep the system going as it is, so we don't crumble. But we will not operate off the dollar anymore. Treat it as if everyone has the money to take the time they need to take, heal from what they need to heal from with whatever method they choose to heal themselves with, and reorganize ourselves to work on things we are passionate about fixing with the goal of creating a utopia. It is not impossible, we've had our brain power used to makes things cheaper or deadlier, we can collectively shift focus to making things as beneficial as possible for ourselves while taking care of the planet and each other. Fix conflict by removing the material issues or providing aid (most of this we do today but not at scale because it's not financially profitable. Without that hurdle you see how many people we can have happily dedicating their time towards those objectives. White collar workers in ops and dev are an untapped resource to helping convert those systems to things that benefit communities. We should have a goal to automate all manual labor, in exchange for peace and an abundant life for all. If there are positions, we haven't automated yet and no one in the local community wants to do it then they can opt to open their community to those from another in exchange for peace and an abundant life while we work to get it automated. We would convert our system to a human collective society capable of anything while preserving life. We just can't be stupid and must prove we are 100% peaceful, everyone can literally have access to what would make them happiest so please, keep it together and be patient. It's the only way I've come up with to solve for peace, main assumption is that we have to trust each other. We're going to need a lot of healers to help people undo all the ancestral trauma they have from the centuries their ancestors have been tormented or lied to and convinced into harming another person. We can work on scarcity, right now it's been heavily manipulated and stunted for the sake of maintaining this concept of currency. We can allocate resources on different metrics (per capita for example if there's limited supply or public opinion for a large project required resource) but realistically the dollar is nothing more than a datapoint. The number of ways corporations figure out how to split a dollar with "products" is ridiculous. All those minds in those companies could help solve so many problems and actually provide benefits to society. If you could work when you wanted (think the ultimate flex schedule) take time off to do anything you wanted, go anywhere you wanted etc. Had a right to a home and land in a location of your choosing when your turn comes up, had a right to anything you wanted to eat that was available, would you be willing to be peaceful and never physically harm another person with malice? (All sounds like regular life today, but it's not always a reality, is it? Let’s make it one!).

Meditation of the Day: 16 MAY 2024

Platform for the People

In a society it is important you belong to some sort of community with agreed upon values or which you can freely change as you progress through life. To me, that's freedom of religion.

[Personal Thought for Context, feel free to skip if you'd like :) ]


I personally have grown spiritually and always knew, even at a young age, when something resonated with me or not. I was born into the Catholic church, and understood the underlying messages of peace and love. All the other things didn't stick nor did I agree with, but the context as a child was natural. I never believed I had to go to church in order to speak to the creator, I also never believed my life was ruled by the creator. The creator provides whatever I need, but not what I believe I asked for. If that doesn't make sense it means that essentially I could pray for something and accept the opposite happened. I might not accept it in the moment, but my spirit needed the lesson. Lessons happen based on choices we make and the timelines we align ourselves with. 

[Separate Note] I believe the advances we have made in quantum physics are starting to prove that this is the case. [/Separate Note] 


I digress, the point of this story is that at a young age I was more interested in studying about other religions and what resonated with me as the way towards peace, love and empathy. I studied in private, would have conversations with my family when questioned on why I wasn't going to church or what my beliefs were. I had to hide a lot, or rather, I chose to hide because I felt it was better than having to fight. Meanwhile I was fighting my true self from existing by doing so. Hence me putting all this together. I appreciate you reading this section to know a little bit more about how my mind works, and now I think I'm ready to discuss how our society could function from a labor perspective.

[/Personal Thought]



How labor could be organized in a society where all of our needs are human rights and abundant?

I have an idea for a platfom that could be used to facilitate this level of coordination across the various "companies" that would spawn by virtue of people in the white collar community able to apply their skills for services they actually care about. There's so much potential for science, agriculture, community services etc to have a quick and easy way to see all the requests for services, resources, personnelle in one place. 

I am currently in the process of writing the requirements but the system would function like this.


The platform would be like a social media platform in terms of content and how the various communities or projects would interact and show progress on their initiatives. Meaning you could write posts, upload videos, pictures, messaging etc. But the purpose of the platform is the user dictates what community they want to be a part of (local, spiritual, hobby, industry etc), what services they are willing to provide, what they're interested in learning, and topics that are important to them. You're doing the same thing when trying to set up your netflix or youtube accounts to hopefully get relevant videos. Every so often you're thrown one from the opposite side of the pond to trigger a response. This platform is purely about solving problems that are important to their respective communities. You will not submit "comments" but rather "solutions". That's the mindset of this platform, I want to bring communities together, not continue to spark a defense mechanism they aren't ready to heal from, creating a divide amongst us. 

The main rule is, no solution can be one that directly impacts or risks the consent of another person's wellbeing (mentally, physically, spiritually). If a conflict should arise then the majority of the society can determine a compromise presented by the impacted parties. With that, people can add a service to contribute to solving the conflict or start a community dedicated to solving for it. At that point those who agree with it can join the community and organize. 

[Separate Note]Please note, if any threats of harm or violence are proposed to be a solution, it will not be sanctioned by this community and I would provide all evidence to the relevant investigating authorities. [/Separate Note]


What do I mean by "Organize"?

On the platform I have requirements for users to be able to create events, offer services, request service providers (meaning people willing to do the work being requested). The community creators can opt to maintain control (which will be indicated so all users are aware who is the controlling body)or make it open to the majority. That means when a question is posed and it gets x amount of support (equivalent to a like) then it is posed as a user wide poll in the community. Users are then able to cast their vote and the decision of the majority will be recorded in the community charter (audit log). Once the power is given to the majority in the group only the majority can vote to render control to an individual, group, organization etc. (whoever created the community originally for example or another user within the community). 


An example of this working;

Say a community posts and says they have enough people willing to work in the supermarkets to stay open a few days a week. People can then provide times they'd be willing to work there or a group could decide to help automate those functions. That solution group would then provide the list of people assisting in that effort and they essentially have a project management tool which all users in the community could view. Users in the community would also see posts and updates about the project and what the group has done. Users could make multiple solution groups and partner, sharing their technology with each other to speed up the efforts.  Solution groups (since we are currently in a system exchanging goods for currency) could decide what percentage or donations/funds provide to the group are split amongst the other members. Frankly, I'd like it to be the groups post want things they would do the work in exchange for. So it could be cash, food, bill payments etc. If the community leaders agree (or the community if they have the vote authority) then the group is authorized and a new project is created to "maintain" the books/ensure both sides are compensated with the agreed services. The community can decide to end service at any time and I would like to have validation for organizations on the platform.


I also aim to have the platform cost $1 a month for baseline membership (and other additional methods to prevent bots) but would love instead for this to be a government level secure platform so we could do proper KYC and register "citizens". Ultimately it becomes one digital based community providing real world solutions and services. 

With that we could map our existing functions, see how many people we have actively providing a particular service, how many are willing to continue providing that service, how many are willing to learn that service, how many are willing to assist in emergency. From there you can calculate the average time for services to be rendered. If it's too long, send a request for assistance from other communities to solve the issue via personnel or technology. It's not very different than what we do today, the difference is you'll have the ability to do what calls to you, heal when you need to heal, and be grateful to everyone providing for the collective in one way or another.


That's it for now, thanks for reading!


We Deserve a Reset- 19APR2024

This was a note I had written in my phone in April after meditating - The scenario I posed myself was to think like a super villain, or rather, a family of power that has been in that position for centuries. This is where my mind went after playing out the scenario.


Kids that experienced 9/11 and the trauma from it were forever changed, our culture forever changed because of it. The ways we joked, the topics we fought on, but more importantly, how ready for revenge so many were.

I don't judge those who believe this was intentionally done by the US leaders of the time and the Saudi’s. I believe the evidence shows and ,one could presume the US leaders at the time, who would benefit from a major war intentionally made no orders to protect the people from the attacks despite having the intelligence. Even yet their reaction set us on a path of immediate retaliation at targets many of us took for granted and trusted our government that those were the right people to go after.

They learned this lesson from Vietnam. They learned if you have economic prosperity no one wants to enlist, or rather much fewer people volunteer as they have other financial avenues. So you’re left with only those who feel the need to serve. Once you have a major conflict and use up all the people who were willing to trust their government to send them to an opposing force that truly was an enemy. So then you had a draft and saw the amount of protests that went on before, during and after the war. So why was that not the case, or at least I wasn’t taught about major protests against the US going to war after the attack of Pearl Harbor. The population was united but you needed so many people you had to start drafting, but people were not happy about it. Many protested the draft, but I genuinely had to research that because I don’t remember being taught who was against joining the war even after the attack on Pearl Harbor. What were their talking points? The media was much easier to control back then, so we really only heard what they wanted us to. Let alone taking that same mentality even before we had radios, telephones or newspapers, we've been duped all along. 

Fast forward you have the Vietnam war, purely political, no homeland bloodshed this time, resulted in even fewer people willing to join the war and continue a draft for a conflict the majority didn’t agree with. Instead they were forced to go to war or be imprisoned and for those who were too scared to go to prison were sent off to war and harassed by the very people trying to help them. I can’t possibly imagine how easy it was to get the general population to become so disconnected. The parties at that time were also open spaces for the exchanging of ideas and the bettering of communities because you woke up to the fact that things didn’t make sense. Queue the war on drugs specifically making plant medicine illegal and immediately going after people in those communities.

So society has shifted already but still ran the risk of having a full revolt if another conflict were to happen for the sake of profit without incurring a draft. Queue 9/11, the media channels were in place for the propaganda, society pit against itself just enough to where the majority of those weren’t displeased with the government and its actions, except for the few paying attention. You also have the money and technology prepared to need less troops to do maximum damage to your enemies. Now you have secured adults, teens and kids of that time more willing to enlist because you continued to feed the corporations, military complex and the rich so much that you deliberately allowed the cost of living to be so far from the minimum wage and you blame it on the civilian budget for social services. So you have the people trying to get money to help other people look like the bad guys so you can continue your operations. The royal families very much are in place and have been playing the long game. They even made it so we are so complacent about giving away our privacy and will openly support the removal of someone’s privacy for the sake of MAYBE they did something. So much so that when you find out there was an abuse of power done you don’t switch sides on the topic. 


In fact, many treat that as the "one-off" rather than joining the argument to figure out how to possibly make these procedures more accurate and safe for the community. Many agree most of us aren’t out to hurt anyone, and we should also be able to agree some people are. No matter what rules are in place, so let’s work together on making ourselves the most protected without causing the loss of life. Doesn’t matter if it’s not possible today, it’s something we should agree to work towards.

But I digress, sorry adhd moment, the society starts to make sense when you realize the one percent is using all of us like chess pieces. I’m not looking to hurt anyone. I just want to be able to do whatever it is I want for work, eat, live, visit when I want and for as long as I want. We don’t need to worry about money, it’s just about time and maintaining our communities. Automate the rest.


We have been lied to for milenia, it's time to accept that, forgive everyone, help heal one another and move forward as one.


Take a step back, to understand - 15MAY2024

This originally started as a youtube comment and eventually morphed into something greater.

For context I was watching Kyle Kulinski take on a heated debate on Piers Morgan's show (link below)

I'm only providing it for context as instead of posting my comment for it to fall into the ether or Youtube, I decided to make this more of a blog style. I'm simply going to be raw and myself as if it's myspace back in the day. Now without further ado, here's my post for today.


So let me get this straight…you knocked the hell out of Gaza and think it’s best to just keep going till you are 100% sure you wiped out Hamas, rather than stopping because you have enough resources to just ensure if you catch a breach in the wall again you’d be able to prevent a second attack from making it beyond a mile out of the perimeter? You already had plenty of checkpoints, that’s why they had to breakout and make an alternative route to get there. But I guess you couldn’t do that when you had a year heads up, but at least this time it’ll be 10 before they could even try it and other nations could simply contribute to the effort to ensure no military movement is noticed beyond their previous perimeter.

Doesn’t make sense. The stronger militaries should neutralize things once intent is clear and politicians should be figuring what services are needed to prevent that level of resentment from ever occurring. If you have any thought other than that and say to yourself something like “that’s just not how it works” or killing is the only way, then ask yourself if that’s how you prefer the world to be. Or would you actually be happier, safer etc if the world did everything it could to end suffering and prevent resentment? Would you help make that a reality in exchange for that peaceful kind of life? We can have that if enough of us choose to. Build systems like force fields, change our systems so less people are needed in any kind of labor they don’t want to be in and automate it. Our society would function better if everyone just stopped the bullshit, realize we have all been lied to our entire lives, each side has been lied to. Killing people acceptable for any reason was the biggest lie we were taught and the generations that killed are the ones we all carry in our blood. We can change that and instead work on helping people heal, work on having fun that’s not going to poison your body for the sake of a dollar, get the medical care you need when you need it, travel when you want to etc. The communities could eventually govern themselves effectively as well since you would be able to come together (even digitally, I feel like a lot of introverts would automatically be like ew no but seriously imagine having a space, a community of your friends, and you just communicated what you needed, and just like Amazon today it would be at your home. I have plans on how we could work on building an autonomous package delivery and personal delivery system. This way you can order what you want and it’ll get straight to you from the warehouse with an eta once it hits the network. Hell in the future we could develop methods of reducing the space in atoms so even our storage space could be minimal and possibly a better way to manage our collective waste. We don’t need to launch trash into space like in Futurama, we can just work on the size as a collective and those who care to solve that problem can work on it as a massive community. There’s no need for intellectual property either, we should be building the best and safest products for everyone, cosmetics are literally going to be way more available and unique because of how many people could participate in the arts. Despite what you might think the arts are critical to society. I think it’s fair to say most of us can admit it’s great to have a distraction after working or just needing to have an emotional response to something that works for us. The reason why you scoff at it now is because you’re most likely doing something to pay the bills rather than what you are passionate about. If you’re passionate about your job now and it’s about the service you provide or you’re already passionate in the arts then great, life just gets better because now it wouldn’t matter how many projects you took for you to have the life you have now. You could make what you wanted when you wanted, you could go get inspiration and work on yourself until you were able to craft. Life should be free and we should all collectively come to a place of patience, empathy and trust. If you’re not there yet get help, if you’re there already great, let’s get to work❤️




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